
Thursday, January 26, 2023

Throwback Thursday: One Second Everyday December 2022

I discovered the app One Second Everyday (1SE) from a former colleague. We were at a day outing and he had me take a one second video of him. I asked him after what was the one second video about. He showed me the app. It seemed popular in Australia because another colleague was using it too. 

I've been trying to complete one whole year for a few years now, but I'm so bad at it haha. I was able to complete December 2022. The other months were meh (complete forgot to record). Here's the video -

It's nice to see a glimpse of your life through 1SE. It's just a second, but a good reminder that every single day counts (no matter how mundane it is). For me it's proof of life. :)

Now let's see if I'll finally be able to complete a full year. Wish me luck!

#BeKind #StaySafe

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