
Monday, April 4, 2022

First Mall Adventure Since We Got Home

I'm still weathering through the effects of the booster shot. I've ticked off all the possible effects. I'm just thinking it's really working for me and my body will be battle ready after two weeks. Missing Mom though since I haven't been able to VC with her. 

Since the vaccination center was located at Megamall, we were able to break our mall fast, LOL. We've been avoiding crowded places so that meant no trips to the mall. 

We arrived an hour before the mall opened. It felt surreal to be in a mall. I was honestly dazed and had to hold onto Miggy/Sweetie the whole time. I've been having spatial issues since I had my second PE and I get cross eyed when there are many people walking around. The will to go around was strong, so I just walked slowly.

After getting vaccinated, we had breakfast at CBTL. It was a rare treat to dine out with the boys. After that we got more food! We got takeaway at Racks since it's been years since we dined there. It's one of our favorite goto places with our parents.

Of course, we just had to visit one of the shops. We went to Old Navy. They had really good discounts, so we ended up getting some shirts. The biggest budol of the day though was at Mercury Drug. I got one quarter worth of meds. The bill didn't look pretty. 

I probably ran on adrenaline the whole time we were out. I was still feeling perky until about 4 in the afternoon, then the booster shot took over my body. A lot of friends said it takes about three days before you get well. I guess I should reschedule some of my appointments this week since getting better is taking longer than expected. 

Happy Monday everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe #VoteWisely

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