
Saturday, February 1, 2020

Let's Make February Fabulous!

Happy February everyone! After a stress-filled January (for all of us!) I hope and pray that February will be a fabulous month! Reality is it'll probably take a while for things to settle and more time before the nCov is resolved.

For this month one of the things I want to try is to resurrect my vlog (it wasn't called vlogging yet way back). I won't be doing it everyday, maybe twice a week at the most. I realized I've lived in Singapore for almost 9 years now and I'd like to capture my life here. I'd like to make sure though I make progress in my series for "Recipes for My Son". I have a few more I shot last December which just needs to be edited.

I shot the vlog a few days ago. It's a random day with my son. I wanted to stay out longer, but it was raining hard and the son has been strict about spending too much time outside. The vlog is just a few clips I strung together. Hope you enjoy watching!

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