
Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Creative Happy Tuesdays: Vinta Inspired Hand Quilted Throw Pillowcase

It's been a year since I made the vinta inspired hand quilted throw pillowcase. I finally edited the tutorial video and made the how-to guide. After I made this I focused on finishing the t-shirt quilt blanket and some odd projects. Filming while working on my craft takes away the fun in creating. My friend Cherry though told me I should continue to make these vids. 

It was indeed a good reminder because I normally go back to my videos for reference. Yup, even I forget about some techniques I learn along the way. Sharing what you learn also makes it stick more to your memory bank. My original plan after retirement was to teach. I can't do that anymore so I guess sharing what I learn when I'm being creative would be useful. 

One of the things I want to do is to create Filipino culture inspired quilts. Drawing isn't one of my skills. I also consider myself still a beginner at quilting. But I could work on creating designs that can be broken down in regular shapes. The vinta was manageable for me to make. It didn't have any crazy shapes and it was fairly easy to hand quilt. 

The project took me two weeks to make. I worked on it while watching TV at night (that's why some of the clips were a bit dark). Anyway, finally unearthed the clips and did some editing. 

This one is for you Cherry, haha. May my lazy bones create more. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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