
Thursday, January 2, 2020

10 Years and Forever

Last December, Sweetie and I celebrated our 4,450th "click" or 4,450 days of being together. On our wedding day we wanted to integrate our being "techie" in our theme. Our wedding day was our 800th "click". I remember making a full write-up about our love story, but for the life of me I don't remember where I posted it (probably in our dead couple website haha).

Like everybody the last ten years have not been easy for us. Barely two years together I was moved to Singapore and we had to manage our LDR for 5 long years. A guardian angel eventually urged us to be physically together so the boys both migrated to Singapore. In between being in a long distance relationship we also had to contend with my crazy health. Our love has kept our family strong and happy the past ten years.

Recently we have also become empty nesters since Miguel has finished his studies. He decided to move back to Manila and we're giving him the time and space to figure out what he wants to do with his life. It's been hard for both of us to adjust to not having him around all the time. I'm still figuring out my new purpose now that Miguel doesn't need full-time "mothering".

I am grateful that God wrote my love story in the most beautiful way. It started unfolding without me knowing that it was already being written. Fast forward to ten years after we exchanged "I do's" we continue to celebrate our love every single day in many different ways.

I love you Sweetie, to forever and beyond =)

1 comment:

  1. Happy decadeversary too Sweetie. I love you too. :)
