
Saturday, August 17, 2024

Trying to Grow Avocado

When I was growing up, we had a huge avocado tree in our backyard. It produced a lot of fruit and my Dad always made avocado with milk for me to eat. It was the only way I eat avocado, until I discovered avocado shake (haha) and well, guacamole. As a Filipino, I don't eat avocado as a salad. 

The avocado tree in my childhood home is long gone. I'm not sure if it fell during a typhoon or was taken down due to security issues. Since our avocado tree before was prolific I thought I could try growing another tree. We recently got some avocado from a neighbor. It was perfect, so I saved the seeds. 

I watched a couple of videos to learn how to germinate avocado seeds. I chose to put it in water. To make sure I added some honey to make sure it doesn't rot. Hopefully, the honey will help encourage the seed to grow roots. It will take a while to germinate, just like bell pepper and papaya seeds. 

Let's see where this goes. I have two other trees that are growing nicely, mango and weeping fig. Both grew unexpectedly. The mango grew inside the compost bin. The weeping fig grew randomly on our balcony. And oh, I have a curry tree too. I'm growing them in pots for now since I plan to plant them eventually in our future house. 

*Just a thought, maybe I should throw one of the seeds in the compost bin, hehe. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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