
Sunday, August 11, 2024

Happy Sunday Everyone!

I was set to do a post last night, but alas, Meredith scratched my hand. It was quite painful. Nothing to worry about, it was just a light scratch, but since I'm on thinners, it bled a bit. Meredith's been quite fussy lately and has been staying out. She comes whenever she's hungry. We think Kaley has been swiping at her and she feels unwelcome. We've been bribing her with treats, so hopefully she comes back soon. 

The past week was truly a struggle. I did not expect to feel unwell. I'm still not sure what really happened. I'm still having headaches. The migraine meds have helped, but I'm overdue to have my eyes checked. I was unable to do anything all week, so I have a lot of backlog and chores. The dirty ones I have to delay again until my hand is better. 

I felt better so the boys and I went out to hang out at a cafe. We found a quiet place 15 minutes from our home. Parking is easy and the place also has a grocery, so that's what we do on select weekends. What we look forward to is visiting SMB again. We'll probably try another weekday since Mondays seem to be busy too. 

Happy Sunday everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

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