
Thursday, August 1, 2024

It's My Birth Month!

I took a break from blogging to pursue other interests. In the last two months I've been delinquent I finished reading 8 books, started cooking again, quilted a couple of projects and we managed to make our home look more decent. I realized the online world is truly a rabbit hole. When I pick up my phone, a quick scan stretches to at least 30 minutes. My laptop has also gotten a much needed rest. 

I enjoyed the quiet since I managed to be more productive. I also managed to fall asleep faster. What I had been doing before I stopped blogging was a routine I started during the pandemic. I remember when I started blogging frequently in 2006, I would usually pour my thoughts early in the morning before I started work. Yes, I used to start my day super early. 

I'm trying to start my day earlier now. The trick is to fall asleep earlier and that's what I'm working on. It takes me awhile to fall asleep, so I have to slow down earlier. Reading has helped me fall asleep faster. I read two to three chapters every night. I'm happy I started reading again since I have a lot of backlog! 

It's my birth month and I hope we'll be able to do some new things. I'm still on the fence whether to have mini-celebrations or do a staycation. It's a bit hard to plan since we're expecting two to three typhoons this month. I'm also enjoying just spending time with my boys at home and making lakwatsa when we can. Well, we'll see what happens.

Happy August everyone! 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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