
Thursday, June 15, 2023

Throwback Thursday: A Scary Hospital Story

I've been warded in the ICU a couple of times now. The thing about being in ICU that makes me anxious is when a Code Blue is called. It is very disconcerting since the call is announced over the PA system. The announcement will also wake you up if you're asleep. If you're a patient, you'd also see blue flashing lights. 

The scary incident though did not happen in ICU. I was in a regular room. I woke up suddenly when a code blue was called. It was a few floors down. I found out because part of the announcement included the room number. I prayed for the patient and tried to calm down. A few minutes later things quieted down and I tried to sleep again. 

I suddenly felt a presence in my room. I don't know, but I felt it was the patient that coded. She was confused and was lost. I remembered what Olive told me about why spirits come to you. They recognize that you can help them. She said don't get scared, just pray and talk to them to move on. 

I immediately knew that the patient probably did not know she had passed. So I prayed and told her to follow the light. I added that she shouldn't worry because everything will be alright. I just kept repeating the prayer and then eventually the heavy presence disappeared. 

I think I posted about this on FB back in 2021. One of my titas scolded me for entertaining the spirit. I told her I just prayed and hoped she'd leave immediately. I was honestly super scared, good thing Olive taught me what to do. For any situation, the best thing to do is pray :)

#BeKind #StaySafe

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