
Sunday, September 1, 2024

Be Gentle to Everyone

The past week has been really busy. We had to do adulting stuff. It's not fun, that's why it's called adulting, haha. That's why I've been blogging late in the evening. I've been struggling to fall asleep again and was set to schedule doctor appointments when we go to the hospital tomorrow. Unfortunately, #EntengPH plus the habagat has been pouring a lot of rain, so we decided to postpone our trip. 

I should really write whenever I have an idea that pops in my head or at least save the title on my blog. I've been blogging for a long time now and I'm still not that disciplined. Oh well, will try better. For now though I thought I'd just post about being gentle to everyone. I saw this reminder in one of the groups I'm in and it made me think about the message. 

I agree, we have to be kind, patient and gentle to others. Just make sure you don't let others walk all over you. Be kind, but be firm. I know I could be very patient, but I know also when to draw the line when needed. Understand others, but also prioritize yourself. It is easier, of course, if it's a business transaction and harder when it comes to personal relationships. Both can overlap and that's even harder. It really helps to have clear goals when making decisions. When you need to turn down someone, don't forget to be gentle too. 

Happy rainy Sunday everyone! Stay dry!

#BeKind #StaySafe

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