
Monday, September 16, 2024

Flood Proofing Your Home

We were really surprised a few weeks ago when it flooded on our street. It was the first time it happened. What surprised us more was water gathered on our side garden. 

That happened because the water in the drain got stuck because the street was flooded. Not a good sign for us even if our house is higher than the street. We didn't realize it could still flood in our house if the drains are clogged.

DOST-PAGASA announced that La Nina can bring more than usual rain. The flooding due to the typhoon happened just before the La Nina advisory was announced. I did some research to find out what's the best recourse for our issue.

The easiest way to prevent water from coming inside our basement is to keep the water out with sandbags. I ordered some bags online and then we bought sand at the hardware. One long bag requires 3 small bags of sand. 

I read you have to put the sandbag at your door to prevent water from coming in. We put the bag at the door nearest the drain. It's the door that's always been problematic for us. (Water used to leak in from the wall. We resolved this by adding a canopy.)

We're keeping the sandbag there until after the rainy season. At least we can sleep well at night and not worry about unexpected flooding. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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