
Thursday, September 5, 2024

What I was Up to 20 Years Ago

It just crossed my mind that 2004 was already 20 years ago. My life was so different back then and in my mind I thought it was going to be the same for the rest of my life. I thought it would be my last job and my personal life would be the same. The only thing permanent in life is change.

It's nice to look back at where you are in the past because it can be a clue on how to move forward. Here are tidbits on what my life was back in 2004. I didn't have a blog yet back then, but I already had a digicam and I still have my photos!

I was still working for the Yellow Pages

Miggy was just 10 years old back then

I hung out a lot with my colleagues

and choirmates/neighbors

Me and my best friend tried to incubate a company. We ended up going to Banaue for it.

Mom and Dad still loved going on road trips

And I had a pet fish, Oscar the oscar

You can never really tell what will happen to you in the future. Opportunities and circumstances can change your path at a snap of a finger. I was content where I was 20 years ago. Two years later my life completely changed. I worked hard for it and worked harder when my life changed course. 

What were you up to 20 years ago?

#BeKind #StaySafe

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