
Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Watched "Lolo and the Kid"

I randomly selected "Lolo and the Kid" on Netflix yesterday. The boys were napping so I thought I should watch it. The boys are not fans of drama films. Also it was my Mama Lola's birthday and I wanted to feel the vibe of having a grandparent again.

I read reviews that the film is a tearjerker. I survived to almost the end without shedding a year. I started bawling towards the end. I was only 13 when my Mama Lola passed away. 

It was a strange day. I was dressed up for school and waiting for the school bus when the phone rang. I answered the phone and the person who called just blurted out that Mama Lola was gone. I immediately called my Mom and she took the call. 

I was in shock and just stood there. There was a sudden flurry of activity and they forgot about me. I started to cry, but was told it was nothing and I was sent to school. My parents didn't know I already knew and I hopped on the school bus and went to school.

During the day I was selected to be the prayer leader. During my prayer I mentioned that we should pray for all who died. My classmates didn't know, but I basically forced them to pray for my grandma.

Growing up I got to spend a lot of time with my Mama Lola. She lived with us for many years. Her past time was sewing and I usually hang out with her in the afternoons to play with her helper. Eventually she taught me how to use her sewing machine. That was the reason why I aced sewing class projects. I never learned to make clothes like her though.

My relatives told me that I was like my Mama Lola's mini me. I inherited all her quirks and I realize now that she was an introvert too. She left me her sewing kit and I now have her sewing machine. I'm looking for someone who can turn it into a console table since I don't think the machine will still work (vintage Singer electric sewing machine). 

Just like lolo in Lolo and the Kid, my Mama Lola always wanted what was best for me. I still miss my Mama Lola and I miss her paramdams. Mom didn't leave any of her stuff anymore, but who knows maybe I'll still find some random Mama Lola item.

#BeKind #StaySafe

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