
Sunday, September 8, 2024

Family Day

My thighs we're still sore from all the walking we did yesterday at Super Manila Comic Con. I wasn't able to rest in between since the venue didn't have seats. I was only able to rest when the stage area cleared up in-between sessions. The boys parked me there while they went around.

I made the effort to get up and got the boys to go out with me. We skipped going to the grocery yesterday since I was too tired. We went to our usual Sunday chill spot. The area has a small grocery which carries most of what we need. I was really hoping surprised though the shop didn't have any Nestle cream! They said they haven't delivered any yet. Someone's hoarding already for Christmas! 😅

We got home before sunset. We didn't want the cats to be alone for so long. Meredith also wasn't eating. She's active and is probably just cross because I promised her we'll make some homemade cat food. She had some broth when we got home and will cook the cat food tomorrow. 

Happy chill Sunday everyone. Hope you got some rest.

Happy birthday Mama Mary! ❤️

#BeKind #StaySafe

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