
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Our Eugenia Plant Always have Red Leaves

The Eugenia Plant in our pocket garden has been there since we moved. We try to keep it at 4 feet high so it's easier to manage. One has grown to more than 10 feet. We suspect Brimsley buried one of her kittens under it and that's why it grew so tall. Birds have been making nests on it, so we just trim it.

So far the Eugenia plants have been the easiest to manage. It's not a water guzzler and just requires some trimming every so often. I spray it with Neem oil every few weeks. What I like best about it is when it grows red leaves and sometimes berries.

I discovered the easiest way to encourage it to grow red leaves by accident. I've been using sun dried coffee grounds for my plants and I out some on the ground where the Eugenia plants are located. A few days later it started sprouting red leaves!

Since then I feed it with sundried coffee grinds. It's really nice since it provides color to my otherwise very green garden :)

Happy Sunday everyone!

#BeKind #StaySafe

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