
Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Shhh... How I Reduce Noise

Social media has certainly made our world "noisier". I must admit, it was fascinating to be always online. Always on the know. Always connected. If you're not "on", then you'd be behind. It was fun, but it's not healthy to always be in the forefront of things. 

After my second PE*, my doctor mandated me to stay offline. Even in ICU I was still getting calls and pings from work. It was an aha moment for my doctors. They realized my personality is what will ultimately bring me peril. So I was mandated to stay offline. That meant no peeking at my emails or social media. 

Mind you, it took me months before I started appreciating being offline. I did not realize that I had to do that for my own good. I monitored my online time using my phone and watched my time spent online go down slowly. It was a habit that had to be broken.

I learned a lot from those months I strictly reduced being online. I forced myself to be more productive offline. I re-discovered my passion for quilting, gardening and baking. Movement was still controlled so I had to be creative at home. It was easy to fill up offline time, since I was asleep half the time (recovering from PEs requires serious rest). 

Things can get very noisy online nowadays. I don't check my phone when I wake up. I only turn it on after all my routines, eating and drinking my meds. I just take a peek and then move on to do some gardening. Gardening includes playtime with the cats. And this is why lately my posts are done late in the evening, haha. 

My doctors were right. It's really in your hands how you manage your stress. I mute when needed. I unfollow when it's too much. I'm at the age when I feel strongly about protecting my space and my peace. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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