
Thursday, March 26, 2020

6.5 Minutes on the Bike Today!

Thought I'd celebrate a milestone I had today! I managed to use the bike for 6.5 minutes. My physiotherapist has been trying to up the level of my exercises. She's had to adjust how we do my sessions because I kept getting sick during the first few weeks of my sessions. My body just couldn't cope well with adjusting back to work plus doing physiotherapy during work days.

That fateful day I tried the stationary bicycle last year. I super failed haha. 

I asked special accommodation to work from home twice a week to allow me to have rest in between going to work. It helped because my PT was able to slowly add in harder exercises. I was ecstatic when she had me try the stationary bike. I loved biking when I was a kid. I always went with my Dad and our neighbors every Sunday morning. We'd go around the village until we had to go home to prepare to hear mass.

My fave workout shirt! 
The other PTs in the clinic asked where they could buy the shirt!

The first time I went on the stationary bike I got sick after. I was quite sad about it because my therapist de-escalated my exercises again. She had to find the right balance to make sure I didn't get sick after. Last week we finally went back to the gym and she had me go on the bike. I managed for about three minutes and then we did other stuff. I went again on Monday and did 5 minutes and then today I managed 6.5 minutes. I think I could've done a bit more, but my PT didn't want me to push too hard.

My kind of post-PT happiness. Shopping for fabric!

This is an important milestone for me because a year ago when I tried the stationary bike at our place, I barely made it to two minutes. I had to work hard to improve my breathing and strengthen my body to get to where I am today. My PT and I talked about the situation we have today. There's a possibility that we'll all be forced to just really stay home. She's made a list of exercises I can do at home in-between our sessions and worse off it can be my list if in case we all can't go out.

We're looking forward to the day we can do an onsite session at work (well I hope they'll allow it!). I told her that I've been to our gym only once! I signed up for a beginners session, but we ended up doing burpees! I couldn't walk for a week and realized that I need someone who can really understand what my body's capacity is. I thank God I found the best PT for me! I was in so much pain for a few months last year and the sessions have really helped improve my situation. I'm insistent on attending the sessions because I know it is good for me and it's going to help me ward off any sickness.

Maybe I should do a vlog with me exercising. Might help my other patient friends who need a little inspiration to get things going.

Have a great day guys!  

1 comment:

  1. Same here, shopping is my cardio, too. LOL
