And so I reflected about halloween after watching Qtube's feature the other night of my group ghost blog and realized that real terrorizing horror is not about seeing ghosts, monsters or aliens. It's about things that you do that may hurt or even sever relationships.
Here are some monsters, ghosts and aliens that I think we all can do without:
1. Mudslinging, online and offline, more often than not misunderstandings stem from lack of communication.
2. Lying, if you ask permission that you are going to location A, be sure you're there and not at location B. Social networking sites work well as evidence nowadays (nyahaha). Besides lying leads to loss of trust.
3. Being selfish, being bratty. I remember all too well my bratinella days. It took more than a decade before I realized why I should've listened to my parents when I was a kid. I was so emo back then I didn't realize that they just wanted the best for me.
4. Treating helpers as helpers. Treat them as family. We've always had helpers at home and they're truly valuable they are. I don't think I'll manage to do what I do without their help.
5. Being inconsiderate. Usually because of #3.
6. The I'm better than you attitude. I wonder if there's anyone who's not like this? I fall prey to this too. Often.
7. Being unforgiving. I've experienced quarreling with family and friends too, some were resolved immediately, others have taken years, but I learned that in time and when heads have cooled things can always be discussed and mended. You just always have to remember why you guys love and accept each other.
I know it's never going to be a perfect world and nobody's perfect, but with time and a dash of maturity things could be better.
Exorcise those ghosts!
And on a happy thought, here's the making of the Qtube feature on "Tales of the Moonless Sky". (You can watch the feature here).
And you might want to read about, "The Scary Story Behind the Feature" (one of the reasons why we chickened out on the second shooting day).
Happy halloween and happy birthday to a dear friend in China (I hope you exorcise your "ghost" soon!)!
Happy halloween to you!!! I wish I can exorcise my ghosts, too.