I started writing when I was 8. My mom got me a journal where I could rant (prob so I won't be an annoying brat). I stopped writing for 8 years until the pen and then later on the keyboard called on me again. I blog because I like writing and that's just about it. Hope you get inspired though... Bite the apple!
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saan Nagtatago si Happiness?

Monday, February 26, 2007
So I took the "How Rare is Your Personality Test" and this is what I got:
Your Personality is Very Rare (INFP) |
Your personality type is dreamy, romantic, elegant, and expressive. Only about 5% of all people have your personality, including 6% of all women and 4% of all men You are Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Perceiving. |
Now I know why I get along with different types of people - from quiet ones to really loud ones, young ones to ancient people, simple to extraordinary people. I remember taking this exam when I was in sixth grade. The school wanted to determine if our talents was geared towards math/sciences vs. communication. They made a big thing about this. Invited parents to come over and they even shooed us away from the library. I remember it was my Kuya who attended and not my Mom and Dad. All he said was my tests showed I had a gift for communication and then I guess I blocked off the other things he was telling me (me and my short attention span). Well since he's arriving on Wednesday, maybe I should go and ask him what it really was about. I guess that's also why my Kuya knows me best. :)
Galera, Tuloy Po Tayo!

Look Out!

Sunday, February 25, 2007
E-Services Philippines, Christian Bautista, IMMAP Induction, PTTC Seminar, SEO Ituloy-Angsulong Awards Night, High School Musical and a Party!
I've been on the run, online and offline the whole week and a half. And because of that my muse ran away after I blogged about the Google job openings.
A rundown:
(1) E-Services Philippines (February 15 & 16)
It's been a long time since I actually stayed in a booth for an event. I used to handle the events at DPC Yellow Pages, but I gave it up because my boss asked me if there was something I wanted to delegate to someone else. Since events do take a lot of time and effort I gave it up so I could concentrate on doing other nerdy stuff. And so I found myself lugging away my red luggage bag and the banner stand an hour before opening time. And so, there I was, for 2 days holding the fort all by myself. Thank God some Google Advertising Professionals dropped by. Thanks also to Donald and Jay for lunch! And Ely and Jay for helping me with my stuff during egress.
(2) Christian Bautista Sings Josh Groban (February 16)

(3) Internet and Mobile Marketing Association (IMMAP)

(4) Putting Your Business Online Seminar (PTTC)

(5) SEO Philippines Ituloy-Angsulong Awards Night and Abe's Birthday Bash
Something really funny happened on my way to Metrowalk. I found it strange that the cab driver spoke in English. I thought he was just sowsi, so I replied to him in English as well. When we were going down the bridge near Metrowalk I commented, "Haaay salamat nakarating din!" (traffic was sooo heavy!). And then he laughed out loud and said he thought I was pure Chinese because I was wearing a cheongsam shirt. Now I understand why I'm always mistaken to be Singaporean/Malay.
Anyway, good thing I left a bit early. It took me an hour and a half from Paranaque to get to Metrowalk. Upon arrival some bloggers, Jayvee, Gail and Marc etc. were already there looking for a table at Starbucks. They were there to do some planning for the Philippine Blog Awards. I was surprised by Jun's arrival. He flew in just to attend the Ituloy-Angsulong awards night. I hang-out for a while until Marc asked me to go up to Phi Bar since the program was about to start.
I saw a lot of familiar faces during the event. Janette and Abby joined me at my table, Jun and Dennis, both from Davao, Zaldy and Marhil who I met during the Blog Parteeh, Gwen, Ely (as host), Eli (from EYP days) and Jill showed up with her Yehey goodies. And finally meeting some people in person, Benj and Mike. Marc then awarded about PhP300,000 worth of prizes. The evening was made more interesting with games like the Best Pick Up Line (congrats Benj for the "Can I Google dance you?" pick up line) and the SEO Babe and Hunk of the night. Arrghh let's not talk about that haha. Congratulations to the winners!
As the SEO event was winding down, the bloggers arrived from their meeting downstairs at Starbucks. It was a fun-filled evening celebrating Abe's birthday and I might say, you should watch how Abe celebrated his party (well... no one has dared to upload the video yet...). And next week... Galera!
(7) High School Musical, the play (February 24)

(8) Party!
Fr. Edward Diviny, C.P. is here for a visit, so my Mom invited neighbors and my friends (yup she did the inviting) to party at home. I arrived just in time and had to do the beso-beso rounds with all my Titos and Titas. (I think they still all see me as a 4-year old...).
It was a good thing my Mom invited my friends to come over. I haven't spent any time with my friends for the past few weeks because I've been travelling. Well, my Mom didn't invite them to hang-out with me she wanted us to sing for Fr. Edward, but we only managed 1 song since we had 2 major voice groups missing. Anyway, I realized I missed them a lot and that it's really different when you're with people you grew up with.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Google is Hiring Pinoys!
Don't wait for three months before you actually apply (like I did).
Adwords Account Coordinator (Tagalog)
Adwords Associate (Tagalog)
Jobs will be based in Singapore.
Do you want to get important announcements like this? Then join the GPhilippines Googlegroup. Sign-up today.
Why I Didn't Have a Valentine

And good thing, she lost too!
So we’re going to Bora! Yipee!!!
I was still up working at past 12 in the morning on February 14 when a friend of mine buzzed in and greeted me a happy V-day. Happy-happy! Joy-joy! May bumati!
I had a hard time waking up in the morning since I slept at around 3 a.m. It was the incessant beeping of my phone alerting me for messages that actually woke me up. All of them were Valentine greetings.
I was happy and pleased with all the greetings, but I must have left the Valentine spirit in the hotel when I left for work. I guess all of us didn't have it on our minds. I was so harassed the whole day, I almost missed the plane coz I was still answering emails at the airport. When I got back home in Manila, I had to finalize things for my participation at the E-Services Philippines show and my printer even delivered my materials at midnight. I finished up at around 3 a.m. and completely forgot about V-day until Donald brought it up over lunch.
“How was your Valentine? Nakalabas ka ba?”
Oh great. I completely forgot about V-day and that I had a bet with Honey. And I lost.
So I gave Donald, Martin and Jill a huge smile and whined about why I didn’t have a Valentine.
Oh and for the record, I did get some offers, but I said I was going to be out of the country.
And the little cake with the heart on top? It's from Max's, the house that fried chicken built. I had it as dessert with a good friendly-friend. Order it, it's yummy.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
For the first 2 nights of my adventure I stayed with one of my best friends, Tappy. She now lives with her husband in Singapore and is currently working for an advertising agency as a copywriter. Her claim to fame? Copywriting the famous Piolo-Toni commercial “I love you Piolooooo!!!” To this day I remember how that actually happened in real life (not with Piolo and Toni) back in college, but that’s another story to tell.
Since I arrived past one in the morning we just caught up a bit and I gave my pasalubongs and slept. Anyway, I was happy to be the first to “bless” (binyagan) their brand new couch from Ikea. It was really cool. Just a few pulls and wallah a big bed to sleep on. Let me just say I slept really well.

I don’t think I would’ve managed to get around that much if it wasn’t convenient to get around. Tappy and I took a bus back to her flat. She adamantly refused to take a cab and forced me to walk and walk and walk to get me back in shape. (Just a bit more control and I’ll be ready for the beach soon). After dropping off the stuff we bought and eating a yummy home-cooked meal, we were off to Ikea.
Everything you need for your home is in Ikea. Ikea was one of our case studies in graduate school and my Ate would send catalogues from the US, that’s why I really looked forward to visiting the store. Much as I wanted to get a lot of things I was constrained by the fact that my luggage should only weigh 30 kilograms on the way back (and I had already bought several books!). Arrrghhh! Anyway, Tappy believes I managed to get important stuff and my visit to Ikea was sulit.

After a fabulous day in the zoo I had to bid Tappy and Jolet goodbye and move to the Raffles Plaza Hotel. Spent the rest of the afternoon with Mabel and then I had to go meet the other country consultants for dinner. The next few days was a whirlwind of activities and all I could remember is I worked and worked and worked! Well, of course we had lunch and dinner, here and there and One Raffles Quay was absolutely cool!
Monday, February 19, 2007
Why You Should Get a MBA Degree
My Ate and Kuya also went in grad school. My Ate went to the University of Virginia and my Kuya went to the Asian Institute of Management. They were both scholars. They were the ones who inspired me to get a MBA degree myself. Inasmuch as I am the latak and I'm way behind my siblings, I think one should get an MBA degree for the following reasons:
1. Learn to be Disciplined - you have to accept the fact that you won't have a social life for at least 2 years. With all the case studies and readings you have to go through, stepping out for a drink even for just a little while is detrimental to your grade. Getting grilled during class is something you have to face every single day. You wouldn't want to get caught with your pants down do you?
2. Knowledge - you will have professors you love, and you will get some you hate. But whatever pole they are in you better make sure you learn something from them. I hated finance, but I have to admit I am thankful I went through it in grad school. Learning to do projections and understanding financial statements is an important part of business. Getting an MBA also teaches you how to think out of the box.
3. Acquire People Skills - you meet a lot of people everyday and it's not enough that you just say hi or hello, you have to learn to connect with them. I was really, really shy when I first started out, but my professors kept telling me I had to get out of my shell - sayang naman daw. While taking your MBA you will be forced to interact with your classmates, debate with them and eventually you will learn that arguing is not always a personal thing.
4. Get More Confidence - as I said I was really shy. I hated doing presentations. I actually graduated and I was still shy, but I had to get out of my shell to be an effective product manager. Eventually, I gained confidence because I had the knowledge. It was a matter of getting more kapal ng mukha.
5. Get Ahead - in the company I used to work for, I was the only person with a MBA degree (aside from the president), and I guess because I managed to acquire the skill of seeing things out of the box when I got my MBA, this helped me move forward in my career. I don't think the company I'm working for now would've given me the chance if I didn't have a MBA degree.
So, get your MBA degree and enjoy the perks and benefits of being a nerd, I mean being a graduate. :)
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Think Rich Pinoy!

I heard about the seminar through Bo Sanchez' website, but was prodded by a friend to attend the seminar. I got curious, so I attended the workshop.
Bo Sanchez was inspiring as usual even though he was just on video. What struck me was his message, "Money is not bad. God doesn't mind you having money. But He minds money having you." Very true indeed. He also mentioned that you should have an objective for earning. He said he wanted to earn more because he wanted to give more (he shares 40% of his income to his causes). He said don't get stuck at "just getting enough", go for "more than enough". True true! And that you should work on with whatever skills you have learned in the past and move from there.
After Bo's talk, there were lots of points raised by Dr. Gamboa and the other speakers. But what I remember most is learning how to handle your money. It shouldn't be - cash in, cash out for expenses, savings. It should be - cash in, forced savings, cash out for expenses.
Every year I make a cash flow projection (now that sounds really nerdy). But even though I've never followed it, it's nice to make one. I do a monthly projection of my income, expenses and savings so I can project if I am on the right track. But Larry said you have to SAVE, SAVE, and SAVE and you have to make other income streams. Be it passive or active.
With that, I think I'm going to shuffle over and re-do this year's projections and find additional passive income streams aside from Adsense.
For the attendees, please click the photo below to see more photos.
Join the Think Rich Pinoy Googlegroups. Just go to http://groups.google.com and search for the "Think Rich Pinoy" group.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Gmail Theater (Gmail opens sign-ups)
No invitations needed!
Some cute videos to watch:
Gmail Theater: Act 1 Attack of the Spam
Gmail Theater: Act 2 The in-boxer
Gmail Theater: Act 3 The Isle of Lost E-mails
Gmail Theater: Act 4 Chat In The Name of Love
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Video Ads in Taxi Cabs

Ever the curious person, I then asked the manong driver if they were now accepting placements for video ads in the taxi. He said they were now accepting ads, but he didn't have an idea how much it was. It was a nice ride home with Josh Groban's new music video (too bad Jomar had to get off at Boni, he missed the tips on how to avoid mandurukots!).
How to Make a Technology Product Delicious
I don't really cook. I can just make yummy spaghetti and bake dozens and dozens of cookies, but I think I can go by and whip up a good marketing plan (and so they say).
I just recently realized I've been marketing technology/IT products since I finished college. And considering that I've two undergraduate degrees that are totally un-IT and un-marketing it was a good thing I took graduate studies.
So how does one sell technology products?
The Ingredients:
First things first - have passion.
Secondly, love your product (no wonder I don't have a boyfriend haha!).
And then, of course, have a good, well-planned, well-researched marketing plan (thanks Dr. Ned for teaching me!).
How to Cook:
1. Mix together market, competitor, targetted end-user profile, product and distribution situation research. Sift through by making a SWOT analysis (or better yet, Porter's way of analyzing things).
2. Beat together an opportunity and issue analysis. This way you would find out what opportunities to grab and what threats to avoid.
3. Heat over low fire number 1 and 2 and this should smoke up your objectives and goals.
4. Check your ingredients by defining your product and determine what positioning to use.
5. While waiting, compute your pricing. After this you can turn the heat off and lay-out the cooked ingredients in a shaped dish.
The Trimmings
This is where you actually sprinkle on the base your sales and marketing strategies. A good communication plan includes the following candy sprinkles:
1. Red goals and objectives - define what you want to happen
2. Blue strategy - how things should happen
3. Yellow measures and controls - define your metrics of success
4. Green action plans and activities - determine your above and below the line and online strategies
The icing on the cake (and very visible to the one who's supposed to bite it) is your advertising, promotion and public relations program. It is never easy to perfect this. You should choose your suppliers carefully, especially those who do your media and PR plan.
One important tip: work with suppliers that have experience in promoting technology products. There are companies that now specialize on public relations for IT companies and I think this would be really helpful to businesses selling technology products. Why? Believe me, it's hard to work with agency people that aren't tech savvy.
And don't forget: passion and love for your product is very, very important.
Friday, February 9, 2007
The Sowsi Way of Eating Barbecue
I guess the proper way of eating barbecue is by taking the meat off the stick using a fork. My mom taught me the art of using a fork to:
My favorite barbecue places include:
(1) our backyard - Dad's special recipe
(2) Tita Olive's barbecue at Villa Merced Resort, Camangui, Pasacao, Camarines Sur, Bicol (she's my Tita!)
(4) Aling Nene's - I just sometimes find it a bit too big though
(5) Cafe Nemoto, Better Living, Paranaque; a new find with pals
Thanks to Jayvee and
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
On Being an Entrepreneur

It was also one problem I had when my Mom and I tried our hand at exporting. The admin side, accounting, staffing, paying off salaries was what bogged us down. Instead of marketing and selling our products, I'd end up spending a lot of time in the bank, checking up on attendance, doing bookkeeping. It was really so not exciting (now you know why I'm in marketing and business development).
Looking back, I guess we could've just assigned these stuff to a Business Process Outsourcing Service provider. I guess I got too busy with the day-to-day. Oh well, at least now I know better.
Tayo na sa Puerto Galera!

March 3-4, 2007, Saturday and Sunday
How to Get There
If you're bringing car, just drive up to Batangas Pier and park your car there. I think overnight parking is around PhP200.
If you're commuting, take the bus to Batangas Pier at Alabang. Better yet let's all meet up at Jollibee (beside the bus/FX/jeep terminal) in Alabang at 5:30 a.m. and go together.
At the Batangas Pier take the ferry to White Beach. That takes about an hour.
Then, you're there!
We're planning to make some sort of reservation depending on how many are coming. Four to six people can sleep comfortably in the barkada rooms.
Recommended Itinerary
March 3, 2007
5:30 a.m. Meet up at Jollibee Alabang
5:45 a.m. Board bus to Batangas Pier
7:45ish a.m. Arrive at Batangas Pier
8:30ish a.m. Board ferry to White Beach
9:30ish a.m. Arrive at White Beach (buy your ferry tickets upon disembarking)
10 a.m. Hit the beach
12 p.m. Lunch
1:30 p.m. Henna tattoo
2:00 p.m. Siesta
3:00 p.m. Massage by the seashore/swimming/banana boat etc.
6:30 p.m. Prepare for dinner/watch TV/get some rest
8:00 p.m. Dinner/Gimmick
to sawa
March 4, 2007
7:30 a.m. Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Beach!
12 p.m. Lunch
1 p.m. Head home
How Much it Costs
This is what I spent the last time I went (March 2006), so it might've gone up 10 to 20%:
Taxi to bus - 100 (from Paranaque)
Bus to Pier - 120
Fastcraft to White Beach - 180
Terminal Fee - 10
Room - 500 (PhP1,500 total; I had 2 friends with me but 5 people would fit in the room)
Food - 150 per meal (You'll survive with spending PhP50 to 80, but I eat a lot eh)
Massage - 150 or 200 (don't really remember)
Pasalubong - 100 per t-shirt, 5 per bracelet
Fastcraft to Batangas - 180
Bus to Manila - 120
Taxi to home - 100
That's approximately PhP2k per person with 3 to 4 people in a room.
Please confirm if you wanna join by leaving a comment here or in Jayvee's blog.
Looking for a Mate? You Won't Find it in Hongkong
So last weekend, after ten years of planning, me and my amigas from high school (Mercy and Chare) and Miggy went to see the sights in Hongkong.
Day 1
- Late lunch at McDonald's
- Chinese lauriat dinner - not that good, locally cooked Chinese food's better (especially at Good Earth!)
- Victoria Peak - enjoyed the 45 degress tram ride up the mountain tremendously
- Wax Museum - photos, photos and photos with fave movie stars, sports celebrities and politicians
- Night Market - found it a bit expensive, got some pajamas and pasalubongs, Divisoria is still the best shopping place!
- Harbour View - never let your tour guide take your photo! We were all surprised when the tour guide sold to us plated photos at HK$150 each! We found out a day after it only cost HK$75! Argh!
- Shopping at TSL Jewelry and a pasalubong shop - the stuff at TSL Jewelry were really nice and very, very expensive. The three of us got pendants (to match our pajamas haha).
- Hongkong Disneyland - seeing Mickey surfing with open arms brought back childhood memories. I've been to Disneyworld in the US twice and Disneyland in Japan and that's why I saved up to bring Miggy there while he's still a kid. My amigas and I felt like kids again and even shared a huge cotton candy while walking through Fantasyland to Tomorrowland. Bring at least US$100 to buy a shirt and some stuff at Disney.
Day 3
- Kowloon Park - too bad the aviary and bird lake were closed coz they had a bird flu scare a few weeks ago. We still enjoyed the park though and were surprised there were many Pinoy groups meeting up in the area. The maze was fascinating and the old women doing dance exercises were cool.
- Hongkong Space Museum - we wanted to go to the Science Museum but the entrance fee cost 150% more, since we were kinda broke we settled for the Space Museum haha. It was interesting, but nothing compares to the museums in Washington, DC.
- Harbour View and Avenue of Stars - we walked and walked and walked and walked and recognized a handful of "stars" in the walk.
- Toys R Us - the mall was just really too big. Unfortunately we didn't find it.
Do's and Don'ts
1. Don't believe everything your tour guide tells you. We were happy until he started selling us those souvenir items in the bus. I think they took advantage of our "yes to everything" nature (hey it's our culture!). One family who had 17 members joining the tour spent a lot of money for the plates.
2. Do buy at the Night Market. The tour guide kept saying that their store sold cheaper pasalubongs. It wasn't.
3. Don't buy where your tour guide tells you to buy. The tour guide said their store sold cheaper Disney items. Definitely not!
4. Do understand that it's their culture to be a bit masungit. They're not naturally malambing like us Pinoys.
5. Do follow your friends advise. When they say it's cold, it's really cold.
My friend Mercy has been handling all my travel arrangements for years already. She also does it for my other friends and my Mom's friends. If you're going to travel, call Mercy.
Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Valentine Story

One of the best love stories I've heard is that of my Mom and Dad's. Aside from all the romantic stuff my Dad did to win my Mom's heart more than 50 years ago, I could say it's the best love story there ever was. Why? Because it is a success story of what love truly should be.
I cannot simply tell the story here. I don't think I'd manage to string up the words to relate it to you. So, here's a journal entry my Dad wrote about Mom over 50 years ago:

August 1955
I met her once one moonlight night
down at the kiosk in front (of) our place;
and from that time I saw her sight
I always want to look back and retrace.
But then quite suddenly she's lost
not knowing where or when she went;
Quite suddenly I too felt most
unhappy, restless, wishing to find where she went.
Eventless, long did summer pass
And there she was back at that place
Gathering my courage in a mass
I told her of my love and how she gazed!
I thought it was a hopeless case
Because I felt unworthy of
Her love, her beauty, and her grace;
But I just went on hoping for thereof.
Then on September twently one
my hope, my dream, my joy, my all
Did answer "yes" and said there's none
She cares for more "darling" did she call.
The happiest man I thought I was
At last my dreams was all so true
She's mine, She's mine! That blissful lass
Gone were my heartaches and awful rue.
All `round me looked bright, beautiful
So sweetly seemed the breeze to sing
My life became `ol wonderful
All round me looked bright, beautiful
So sweetly seemed the breeze to sing
My life became `ol wonderful
Joy and hap'ness to me my love did bring.
I kissed her once, she kissed me too.
To seal our love, our hope, our joy,
And happy were those days did go.
As if time without an end to enjoy.
The `twas summer season again...
Grabe I'm soooo kilig... My parents will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary three years from now. I never knew that their "anniversary" was September 21! And all along I thought they just remembered Martial Law. Sigh...
What about you? If you were to
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Interview with Bo Sanchez

My interview is somewhere in the middle. Woohooo!
(I'll try to embed the video here... abangan).