
Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Are Meal Plans Effective?

I've been having a hard time controlling my sodium intake. I have to be careful since when I go over it triggers heart failure for me. That's one reason why I have good days and bad days. After seeing my test results I decided to work on my nutrition. It's just also impossible to cook our own meals.  

We previously tried one company. We only got salads from them. It was okay, but I also have to be careful about eating greens since it will interfere with one of my medicines. My friends suggested other companies. One of them specializes in keto, but I need something that can take into consideration my needs. 

I previously tried cooking some of the recipes from The Sexy Chef cookbook. I liked it, so I thought maybe I should try their meal plans. I pinged their nutritionist a few weeks ago. I was asked to send over a list of my requirements, medical conditions and a list of food I'm allergic to. I sent over a long list. They reassured me that they could adjust based on my requirements. 

I'm on my fourth week now and I'm happy to share that I feel better. I feel lighter and my energy has improved. My overnight oxygen saturation also has improved. My weight has been so far constant and that's important for me. I monitor it daily to ensure I'm stable. An increase of a kilo spells trouble for me. 

To be honest, I had a hard time adjusting to 1,200 calories per day during the first week. There were days I'd feel dizzy and hungry. For those days I ate a sandwich. I requested for 1,500 calories for the second week, but it was too much for me. I guess my stomach grew smaller as I adjusted to the smaller servings. I've since been able to manage at 1,200 calories per day. 

One thing I was hesitant about signing up for a meal plan are the options for food. The first one we tried last year didn't work for me. They were very veggie centric. It is the better option for my blood type, but I need balance. So far I like most of the food that is sent to me everyday. When they send me something I don't like, Sweetie and I switch. It happens maybe one meal a week, but I reminded them about what I don't like eating (hehe). 

So far, so good. I'm taking a break next week though since it's my birthday week! Haha. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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