
Friday, December 10, 2021

First Week in Our New Home, the Merge and Learnings

Spent an hour last night washing flatware and cooking utensils. We'll have to wash everything before we use it since our stuff either spent time on a ship or was transferred from our old home. This is part of the process we need to do to consolidate our things and finally merge our homes. As we do this clean-up we'll get to assess what we will be using and we can give away the excess. Our goal is to be clutter-free and just keep what we will use. 

We've had a very busy week. The boys have been covering the activities that require muscle, carrying stuff and unboxing. They also take care of everything that's needed outside. I take care of thinking about what we need to find from the boxes and purchasing things we don't have. I also take care of finding who can help us where needed. I've been trying to water the plants, but usually cover only 70%. Miggy usually finishes the job. 

Unboxing is a Painful Task

Sweetie and Miggy have done a stellar job making a huge dent on unboxing our stuff. It is a painful task since the boxes were only labeled based on the room they came from. Our place in SG was small so rooms held things that may belong to another room, i.e. the dining room had books and kitchen stuff mixed together. The two were able to clear out the boxes from one side of the room and the Squeaky PH team was able to unbox 30 kitchen labeled boxes! 

Organizing is Hard When You Don't have Cabinets!

Organizing our things has been hard because the contractor isn't finished yet with our cabinets. They had to adjust the cabinets because of the stove, oven and rangehood. I also requested to customize the cabinets based on how I'll be using them. Hopefully they'll finish soon so we can finish organizing our kitchen. Save for our clothes everything else is still in boxes because we don't have cabinets yet haha. That's where my busmate, Peter, now a business owner will help us with. 

Condo Living vs. Living in a House

Living in a condo is much, much easier to manage. In a condo, you just mainly take care of what's within the four walls of your unit. In a house, you have to manage everything from the roof, down to the ground and within the perimeter of your property. I've been purchasing things we never needed before, i.e. a water hose for the pocket garden (our balcony farm has been upgraded). Just ordered a walis tingting which we need to keep the premises clean. I'm also looking for proper faucets to replace the garden faucet. We're lucky our contractor just lives a few houses away and the house is "under warranty" for six months. Hope we don't have to annoy her too much. 

The Biggest Challenge

The biggest challenge we've been facing is insects! The house was left open when they did touch-ups. There was a lot of mosquitoes and ants (no roaches thank God!). The cleaning helped a lot. We can't really use pesticides because of my lungs, so I got a lot of citronella plants. The mosquito population is dwindling away now. 

We're now also taking care of the ants - red fire ants! They've been strangely going up to the roof! It's probably because of the trees and there may be debris on the roof that needs cleaning. Honestly, I have no idea how to get the roof cleaned (if needed) so will ask our contractor. For now we're trying different methods to get rid of the ants without pesticide.

Mom told me to take things slowly. She said no need to rush and things will just fall into place eventually. Told myself I could tackle things the same way I did to improve my breathing -- at least 1% better than yesterday. My immediate goal until Christmas is to get the kitchen functioning better and unpack my clothes. The other stuff will progress next year. 

Overall, our first week has been amazing. We're just happy to be living together in our dream home. The best day was celebrating Mom's birthday. We were able to eat lunch together with my Kuya and his family. The work we did to get things up and running in time for Mommy's birthday was worth it. <3

#Home37 #NewG209 #Xmas17 #StayHome #BeKind   

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