
Sunday, January 10, 2021

Voice Typing Today's Blog

Hi everyone! It has been a challenging day today. They had to switch my drip to my right arm. My veins are too small and keep swelling up, so I was told not to move my right arm for now. I'm right-handed so this is proving to be difficult.

I remembered that with Google Assistant you can use it to voice type. This is the first time I'm using it to blog. I remember that time I taught Lasallian Brothers in Rome how to use this feature together with Google translate. They said some of them had difficulty typing and some shared that it was hard not to have a common language to communicate with each other.

If my dad was alive today he'd be using this feature a lot. Growing up he used to ask me to type his writings but he had the most difficult handwriting to understand. Eventually I got used to it that's probably why Mom gave me his love letters to her. It's one of my treasures. 

Isn't technology amazing? What about you what new technologies are you using to make your life easier? What features have you used with your parents?

Happy Sunday everyone!

CB///276 #StuckAtHomeDay/306 #StayHome #BeKind 


  1. What features have you used with your parents?
    How I wish there's tech for me to communicate with them in heaven. Well, I guess that tech is called...
    PRAYER 🙏

  2. What features have you used with your parents?
    I wish there's tech that will enable me to talk to them in heaven. Well, I guess that tech is called...
    PRAYER 🙏
