
Sunday, January 24, 2021

Spent the Day at the Park

I'm glad my tummy was better when I woke up. I don't exactly know what happened to the food I ate yesterday afternoon that made me sick. I drank a lot of water after and just ate crackers and soup for dinner. The probiotics I drink daily probably helped settle my stomach and I felt okay when I woke up this morning. 

We had to make up for not walking yesterday so we went to the park today. There was a Pokemon event today so that was pretty good motivation to walk around. It's really nice to live across a park. The best times

to go is early morning, late afternoon or after dinner. The weather has been really nice the past week. At night the breeze is so cool. It's really helped me enjoy our walks. 

It was quite hot when we went to the park. Good thing the trees provided a lot of shade. We saw a lot of squirrels darting from one tree to another. I guess it was their mealtime too because they kept picking up stuff from the ground to chew on. They were so cute and are used to people walking around, sometimes stopping to take photos of them. 

I think I improved a lot in the last few days. I've been able to monitor my vitals through my Fitbit. Both my heart rate and oxygen saturation finally improved in the last two nights. It still needs some improvement and I hope it will be much better this week. I also hope my doctor adjusts the dosage of my medications. Still praying there won't be any bleeding so I can recover faster. 

Hope you all had a blessed Sunday. 

CB///290 #StuckAtHomeDay/320 #StayHome #BeKind

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