
Saturday, January 16, 2021

How Sweetie Took Care of Me

"In sickness and health, to love and to cherish, till death us do part."

Even before Sweetie and I got married he already experienced staying at the hospital with me. He volunteered to stay because my Mom's helper couldn't stay with me for a night. He's had to do this a few more times (twice in the last 4 weeks). My doctors and nurses always tell me I have a great, supportive husband. I do! 

I know I scared Sweetie a lot in the last two weeks. I know he wasn't sleeping well because he was really worried. When I had my first PE I was treated as an outpatient, but things have become complicated in the last two years. I am so thankful Sweetie has been my rock throughout this ordeal. 

Everyone gets sick. That's why it's important to find the right person to spend your life with. In the patient group I'm part of, I've read some patients experience getting abandoned by their partners. Taking care of someone is a huge responsibility. It is the most unglamorous side of marriage. I think the hardest we've been through was when I had heart surgery (twice) and when Sweetie had knee surgery. We're also lucky we have Miggy who's always been supportive too.

The key to taking care of your spouse when they're sick is to have a level head. Do not panic! You have to be calm because your energy will rub off on your spouse. Sweetie is the best at that, he never really panics. Here's what he does whenever I'm hospitalized:

(1) He's my spokesperson - we picked up this term when Sweetie had knee surgery. You need to appoint a spokesperson who can make decisions when needed. 

(2) Prepare things for hospital stay - I had Sweetie bring me a few essentials for the hospital. Some essentials include underwear, water bottle, toiletry bag and maintenance medication. He also brought my tablet which helped a lot when I was in ICU (they actually encouraged me to use it). 

(3) Help with meals - meals came wrapped in cling wrap that's so hard to remove. A nurse told me they've been doing that to protect patients. Sweetie had to unwrap the food for me since my arm always had a plot in it. We stuck to the diet they gave me and I only ate Skyflakes once when I got so hungry. 

(4) Jaybucks expands to hair styling! - haha, yes, my hair has grown so long and unruly. I asked Sweetie to help fix my hair and he made a nice braid for me. 

(5) Pack up and bring me home - we learned in previous hospital stays that it's best to put all your stuff in luggage. It's more manageable and Sweetie still had a free hand to hold me as we walked out of the hospital. 

(6) Others - took care of business center matters and communicating with my other doctors. 

"Let all that you do be done with love."

1 Corinthians 16:!4

Road to recovery update: still at sloth pace, but managed at least 1,250 steps (+25% from yesterday). Still experiencing some dizziness and not yet confident to walk outside on my own. Got knocked out from meds in the afternoon. Some back pain after drinking meds. 

CB///282 #StuckAtHomeDay/312 #StayHome #BeKind

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