
Monday, November 6, 2006

Having a Bad Day

And so I’m having a bad day. My good friend Jorge gave me this link – it’s the video of Bad Day by David Powter. It did cheer me up a bit and Anne also sent me the MP3. So I guess this is my theme song for the day and my poor neighbor will just have to put on ear plugs.

Well, I really don’t care to explain why I’m having a bad day. I just am. Actually not just a day, but it’s been a week. So what does one do to get out of a bad day?

1. Listen to or watch the video of Bad Day by David Powter (
2. Bug your friends.
3. Eat chocolates. (Ahem ahem so that’s why my throat is sore again).
4. Listen to random songs in your Ipod.
5. Bury yourself in work.
6. Clean up your room and throw away as much stuff as possible.
7. Talk to your best friend.
8. Be OC in everything you do.
9. Watch your favorite telenovelas.
10. Pray

I read though in one of Bo Sanchez’ books that when you’re having a bad day you should try and count your blessings. This usually works for me. So what are the top 10 simple blessings I got today?

1. Woke up with a message from my best friend. That definitely communicated that I wasn’t alone.
2. Everytime I’d feel bad somebody just suddenly buzzes, calls or sends me a SMS.
3. I had lunch with Mom and Dad, free food from McDo! Spaghetti definitely cheers me up.
4. I managed to finish my report without any hitches. Thought I’d have a hard time compiling what I did the past week.
5. I didn’t have to wash so many dishes after dinner. When I end up washing lots of dishes I usually get a back ache. Good thing there was just a few.
6. Spoke with Tita Rose and she congratulated me on the newest issue of The Beads.
7. Spoke with Derek and got a clearer view on a project I’m doing.
8. Several friends from all over town, the country and Canada pinged me.
9. Miggy came home early.
10. I’m feeling sleepy and that’s good.

So am I feeling better? Just a bit. Oh well, never mind, I still have some work to do.

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