
Monday, September 30, 2024

What Happened to the Calamansi Seeds I Propagated?

Thirteen months ago I bought 2 kilograms of calamansi from a neighbor. They were big and juicy so I decided to propagate the seeds. I know it's easier to graft a piece of a plant, but I like growing plants from seed. It's more exciting for me.

It grew very, very slowly. I grouped the seedlings into several pots since I wasn't sure if it would survive. Every so often caterpillars would eat the leaves, so I had to be consistent spraying it with Neem oil. I also gave it rice water weekly and topped it up with compost when I remember. 

I was surprised to see that most of those I transferred to soil grew steadily. I started to re-pot them to bigger pots this month. They're definitely calamansi because the leaves smell like citrus. Here are some I re-potted earlier this month:

Here's two before I re-potted them.

I now have 7 big pots! I'm going to be so stoked when they start bearing fruit.

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