
Thursday, September 19, 2024

Learned to Make Real Mac and Cheese

TBH, we always make ready to cook mac and cheese. I never tried making it with real cheese. A friend brought several pieces of cheese. Another friend explained what they were good for. One was gyuyere cheese which I learned was good for pasta. 

I watched a couple of videos to learn how to make mac and cheese. I chose to adapt Chef Tatung's Mac and cheese recipe. He used regular boxed cheese and mentioned you can add other cheeses. I used the food processor to grate the gyuyere cheese and found some leftover mozzarella cheese in the fridge. 

It was fairly easy to make and my boys absolutely loved it. Miggy said it tasted like mac and cheese from a restaurant we ate in once. I was so used to regular boxed mac and cheese and Kenny Rogers mac and cheese, it never occurred to me to try making it with real cheese. It mega leveled-up! Now I don't think I'll buy boxed mac and cheese anymore, LOL.

Here's how we made it at home:

Full recipe at:

#BeKind #StaySafe

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