
Saturday, September 28, 2024


Well, everyday is a cat/kitten day for us since we have 8 cats and kittens who live with us. It's overwhelming when they are all swirling around my legs, haha. It's hard taking care of them, but they are blessings for me. 

The photo above is Grogu when I was watering plants earlier. He likes hanging out with me whenever I water plants. Every so often he would lie down on my feet. He does this to get belly rubs. He's all grown up now, but still loves belly rubs. His twin, Mando Laura, still just stays in our laundry area. She's so shy, she doesn't even want to go to the garage. Her siblings visit her during and meals and oftentimes naps with her. 

Brimsley's second litter, Eevee and Pikachu, are our most elusive kittens. We rarely get to pet them and they only come near if you have a treat. Eevee's growing bigger than Grogu. He's almost as big as Papa Grey now. Pikachu is the smallest, but she's a fighter. She fought off the intruder cat earlier. We have to train her not to hurt her housemates during meal time. 

Since Brimsley got sick a few months ago, she weaned off her kittens permanently. The weird thing is she doesn't want any of them going near her. She swipes at them if they come near. She doesn't do that to Anakin and Bailey even though they brush against her. Weird noh? Brimsley keeps to herself and every so often gets stuck on the garage roof. We think she's avoiding the busy garage because it's like a cat bar the whole day, haha.

The kittens, Bailey and Anakin, were both neutered last week. They were at the vet for a few hours and came back home like nothing happened. Well, Bailey was still a bit drunk from the anesthesia, but he soon came out of it. They were their usual playful self when I went out to play with them. 

Meredith has ended her tampururot season and has come back home. For a few weeks she stayed out and would sleep at our neighbor's. She'd only come if we call her and let her inside. When she came back she stayed at our front door. We're not sure what spooked her, but she's back living in the garage now. We've been bribing her with treats, haha.

The sad news is Kaley hasn't visited us for over two weeks now. She drops by several times a day for a snack. She was well although sneezing the last time I saw her. We can only hope she's busy with new kittens. Or maybe she's getting the feast she always wants that's why she hasn't been visiting anymore. We also didn't see her sisters, Cheyenne and Sandra for more than 6 months now. 

I can't imagine living without our fur babies now. I'm just amazed how the three of us learned how to care for cats. None of us had an pet cats growing up. We've been winging it the past two years. I'm just glad we've been able to get all our 8 live-in cats spayed and neutered. Thank you Lord for sending us these blessings and for the provisions so we can continue caring for them. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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