
Friday, December 18, 2020


Staying at the hospital is really exhausting. At the ICU, I'd wake up hourly because the blood pressure monitor would turn on every hour. At the regular room someone would also come in often. Since we had a breakthrough last night, I asked my doctor if i could go home.

Before I could go home, I was still assessed by an additional doctor. Within a minute of waking up, she was assessing me and then the other doctors arrived too. I only got to pee two hours later LOL. I must've looked hideous.

Got cleared to go home by one in the afternoon. Luckily, we still got served our lunch. Hospitals used to have this bad reputation serving tasteless food. I think I gained weight during my stay because food just kept coming non-stop. Check out what I had before going home.

The ride home was a bit stressful since the Grab driver drove so fast. I couldn't even spin any Pokestops! I remember that time I went home after heart surgery. I clutched on to my chest because I was scared it would open up haha. 

Arrived home before two and we both promptly fell asleep on the couch. I'm on medical leave until month end and doctor's order is to rest. Christmas is going to be definitely quiet this year.

Grateful to all my doctors, nurses, radiologists, and health practitioners who took care of me. Will follow your orders :)

CB//253 #StuckAtHomeDay/283 #AdmittedDay5 #StayHome #BeKind

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