
Monday, January 13, 2025

The Nile is Not Just a River in Egypt: My Asthma Journey

"The Nile is not just a River in Egypt," is what my allergologist, Dr. Canlas, told me over 15 years ago after he informed me of the results of my allergy test.

I had to see an allergologist because I was suffering from severe asthma after a nasty bout of pneumonia. It took me awhile before I understood what Dr. Canlas told me. "The Nile" meant denial. He was telling me that the first step to healing is acceptance. I was able to renew my tolerance for chicken, chocolate and even Coca-Cola. The doctor explained I was always allergic to it, but my immune system went down after having pneumonia. 

I just took meds, didn't do immunotherapy and just kept eating chicken and chocolate by bits. Eventually, my tolerance returned. Unfortunately, I never regained tolerance for crab, but can eat a few pieces of shrimp.

I urged Sweetie to see an allergologist. I noticed he has been having frequent asthma attacks. He got it after COVID-19. I was baffled and worried since asthma can lead to other things. He did his allergy test today and the main trigger for his asthma attacks is dust. We have been beside two house construction in the past 3+ years and that's the leading cause for the dust (you can see it easily on my plants).

As Dr. Canlas advised me, I also reminded Sweetie of the quote he told me, "The Nile is not just a River in Egypt."

Acceptance is key. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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