
Thursday, January 9, 2025

Afternoon with My Loves

Slowed down today since I have pulmo rehab tomorrow. The cats always follow me around whenever I water the plants. We play while I go back and forth to the rain water drum.

Our cats have different personalities. Grogu is the most affectionate among our cats. He moves around a lot and the hardest to photograph. He was just chilling when I tried to take his photo, but his head still kept moving.

Eevee, Grogu's brother from Brimsley's second litter, is Grogu's opposite. He is very shy and skittish. We rarely get to pet him. Lately though he's been hanging out in the garage with the whole gang. 

Bailey and Anakin were zooming around and it's hard to make them stay put when they're playing. Brimsley was quietly watching them (aka judging them for being so malikot). She eventually went on stealth mode beside a plant. She doesn't like it when the kids get rowdy, haha.

The cats and kittens eventually settled when they were given their dinner. Usually they ignore us and get busy grooming when they are full. That's usually our sign that we've completed our duty and it's time for us to go in.

What I love about my daily cat time is the cooler weather we're enjoying now. I'm excited for playtime again tomorrow!

#BeKind #StaySafe

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