
Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Cotton's Birthday

I found an old note I probably wrote when I was 11 years old. I wrote a list of birthdays on the note and it included Cotton's birthday.

Cotton was my sister's Japanese spitz. It was a gift to her by Kuya Johnny and she left it with us when she moved to the US. Well, today would've been Cotton's birthday.

Cotton was essentially my first dog. She was with us for a few years and died of pneumonia. I was severely affected when she passed and it took many years before I could replace her. 

It was a good day to remember Cotton. It's one of my wishes to eventually have a dog again. It's a lot of work, but I have my cats and I love them to bits.

#BeKind #StaySafe

Monday, March 17, 2025

Last Stretch of the First Quarter

Oh wow! Did you notice that the first quarter of the year is almost over? I've been feeling exhausted the past few days, so I slowed down a bit.

I'm still working on clearing out my childhood home. It's truly exhausting, but I did get a surprise today when I found one of the Christmas decors I bought when I still lived with my parents. Cookie!

They're so cute! I wrapped it carefully and put it in a box. I labelled it so we can use it later this year. The heat though is making it hard to think about Christmas. 

That's it for today :)

#BeKind #StaySafe

Sunday, March 16, 2025

When the World is Too Noisy

When the world is too noisy. When things seem too crazy.


#BeKind #StaySafe

Friday, March 14, 2025

Major Sign of Aging

Depleted from today's pulmo rehab and chores, so this is going to be a short post. I found a box of diskettes! Hahaha!

The contents are probably irrelevant now, but Sweetie has been checking all tech related stuff especially those that have private information. He got a reader since we have quite a lot of old data. What we just usually keep are photos :)

I'm sure today's generation won't even know what it is. They probably know it as the "save" button, haha. Well kids, this was how we saved data way back. It's what I used to complete my thesis! 

What about you? What mode of saving data did you use when you were still in high school/college/university?

#BeKind #StaySafe

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Don't You Wish?

Don't you wish you could be like our cat, Grogu? He was sleeping so soundly with not a care in the world.

The world has been so noisy this year. It started with uncontrollable fires in LA, followed by aviation crashes almost every week, then the crazy things happening in the US and now, here. I have so many questions running through my head. I've been quieting it by focusing on the tasks I have to do. It doesn't mean I don't care about what's happening. I just cope differently.

I learned in the last few years that you can let the noise around fall in the background. It's not easy, but when you know how to cope, you can be like my cat and rest well. Pray and let God do the rest.

#BeKind #StaySafe

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Goodbye D30

We were busy with errands yesterday and only got wind of what was happening at around 5 in the afternoon. The arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte wasn't something I expected would happen. I always hoped justice would be given to the victims of tokhang.

We watched the early evening news to get updates. The late evening news gave more surprising updates. At 11:03pm, it was announced that the flight to bring D30 to The Hague was cleared and was taking off already. 

When the government really puts its mind to making things work, it really does. I was half expecting he'll be able to get out of it again. It was truly a big surprise that he was actually sent to the Netherlands on the same day of his arrest. 

According to former Senator Sonny Trillanes, it was in 2017 that the Magdalo partylist that filed the case*.  Senator Leila Delima also did investigations where she was eventually jailed for no reason. Eight+ years probably feels a lifetime waiting for justice for the families of the victims of EJK. I am grateful that there are still servants who are really there to help. 

As Pope John Paul II said, "No peace without justice, no justice without forgiveness." May the victims finally get justice, and the families have peace.

Here's the statement from Malacañang today -
