I brought her to doctors and they all said the same thing, "Let her enjoy, any surgery would just be very hard on her body". I thought it was unfair, but I understood the wisdom of the doctors. She did enjoy and was still doing some gardening under her last day.
It was really hard for me. I had several cardiac episodes because of it. It took me a long time to get moving with the task of sorting through her things. The items I had boxed waited 18 months before I could work on it.
I didn't rush into it, but at some point I realized it was time to get moving. I have been very busy the past 3 months sorting her stuff. Good thing I got help from Ally Canita and her team to organize and box everything.
Going through her things has been challenging. It's a LOT! It has helped me though because it helped me understand my Mom better. It's part of the healing process and I'm glad I have the privilege of being the one to sort her worldly belongings.
#BeKind #StaySafe