
Friday, February 7, 2025

Gave a Memento to My Mom's Former Company

My Mom worked for a bank for 25 years. She told me she started as a teller in her hometown, Naga City. When she got married, she eventually moved to Manila and worked at the bank headquarters.

I ended her long banking career when I was born. She retired to take care of me. Through the years she kept in touch with her colleagues and the bank was the only one she trusted. I was always in tow whenever she went to the bank.

While sorting her things, I found a book commemorating 100 years of the bank. It was given by the children of her former manager. I decided to give the book to the branch near us since my Mom visited them often and kept good relations with them. 

I wrote a dedication to the team telling them that my Mom had very happy memories working for the bank. She was very loyal and would have wanted more bankers like her to be happy and loyal to the bank.

I dropped off the book today and the team was happy with the gift. I think they would appreciate it more than anyone in our family. I hope they'll enjoy the simple memento :)

#BeKind #StaySafe

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Yummy Cheesebread and "Kinda Pregnant"

I followed the same routine today. Woke up, had heavy breakfast, watched a movie while sorting Mom's things, watered the plants, had dinner and then sorted Mom's things again.

It's almost ten in the evening and I just finished sorting the last box for the day. I'm exhausted, but I want to finish this soon. What I enjoy is I'm able to watch movies as I go through the task. 

I selected the new film on Netflix, "Kinda Pregnant". I wanted something light that didn't require much brainpower to watch. The film is a rom-com with a standard plot. Girl is heartbroken, pretends to be someone she isn't, meets a boy, they fall in love, then she gets busted for the lie... Yada yada yada. 

It was a fun movie to watch nonetheless. Something you can watch when you have free time.  What I like about it is they chose regular sized people to play the roles, so it's something a lot of people can surely appreciate. 

And, oh, the Cheesebread was sent by a friend who came all the way from Pampanga. We're halfway through it already! Haha. It was a perfect snack after I watered the plants. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Watched Dollhouse

Dollhouse has been in my watch list since last year. I finally watched it today while cleaning Sto. NiƱo, St Joseph, and a crucifix. I was right in front of the TV, so I saw all the nuances made by the characters.

I have been avoiding watching it since the time I watched "Lolo and Kid". It was a tearjerker and I was sure "Dollhouse" would be too. I still watched it since it got good reviews. I also read that it's based on the story of the writer's relationship with her father. 

The film told a very good, heartwarming story about regret, responsibility, making amends, and essentially what happens when you keep making bad choices in life. I like that they kept a small cast and showed multiple facets of the story. It successfully made me understand why the characters made those choices.

Of course, I bawled at the ending. The actors really did a great job to make me feel what they were feeling. The film is worth watching and I actually wouldn't mind watching it again. Now, I have to work up the courage to watch "Rewind". One of the last 3 MMFF 2023 movies I've yet to watch.

#BeKind #StaySafe

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Took a Break!

I was getting burned out from constantly sorting my Mom's things. I took the opportunity today to have a break after running an errand.

We went to the nearby mall to do our favorite things. We went to Booksale to look for some books. Then went to the new Office Warehouse to check it out. 

The real happiness came when we got some bread from French Baker. We were both so hungry we split a monay, haha. It powered us enough to go back to building C where we got some takeaway.

I needed the break and happily organized what I had already sorted. At least I won't be dead tired when I got to bed tonight.

#BeKind #StaySafe 

Monday, February 3, 2025

My Schoolbag as a Time Capsule

It's amazing how my Mom kept a lot of my things. Well, I did live the longest with her and Dad. Plus, I lived there all my life until I got married. Some of the things I found are things that have been long gone.

I was really surprised to see my old schoolbag! If I remember correctly it was a gift for my 13th birthday. It was the trend back then and I had been eyeing it. I used it for awhile, but it was honestly heavy to lug around in school. 

Well, Mom kept it and it's still in very good condition. The content was like a time capsule of what I was busy with back then. I found a Philippine map, my sophomore year statistics notebook, a Milo Club newsletter, statistics notes of a friend, and news clipping either my Mom or Dad collected. I'm trying to remember why I had kept my statistics notes, haha. 

Miggy also sorted a box of his toys. He's so happy he found his collection of Zoids. It's probably a huge blast from the past for him! 

Our living room is still full of boxes again. It's tiring, but we hope to finish the clean up soon.

#BeKind #StaySafe

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Sunday Busy Day

My mind is currently in busy mode. We have to work on sorting the boxes faster. Sweetie takes care of getting them. I take care of sorting.