I ended her long banking career when I was born. She retired to take care of me. Through the years she kept in touch with her colleagues and the bank was the only one she trusted. I was always in tow whenever she went to the bank.
While sorting her things, I found a book commemorating 100 years of the bank. It was given by the children of her former manager. I decided to give the book to the branch near us since my Mom visited them often and kept good relations with them.
I wrote a dedication to the team telling them that my Mom had very happy memories working for the bank. She was very loyal and would have wanted more bankers like her to be happy and loyal to the bank.
I dropped off the book today and the team was happy with the gift. I think they would appreciate it more than anyone in our family. I hope they'll enjoy the simple memento :)
#BeKind #StaySafe