It seems just like yesterday when I took my college entrance exam. All I remember now is waking up early and Mom and Dad bringing me to the school with lots of baon. The third quarter last year was a mad dash to the University of the Philippines, Mapua Institute of Technology, Ateneo de Manila University and in October, my alma mater, De La Salle University, for Miguel's college entrance exams.
University of the Philippines. Miguel almost wasn't able to take the exam at UP because he got sick with typhoid and the application forms were due when he got back at school. Good thing he's a good student and his school still accepted his form. We slept in Jay's parents house in Marikina so we wouldn't have to travel from Paranaque since Miguel had to be in UP by 6:30 a.m. We got stuck in traffic as early as 5:30 a.m. and got a bit lost, so Miguel and I had to literally run to his building so he could make it in time for his exam. He was eighth to the last to get in! So mommies be there earlier! (See University of the Philippines college entrance exam results).
Mapua Institute of Technology. The Mapua exam was the most stress-free. I went there in early July to submit Miguel's application form and schedule for his exam. We had breakfast in Chowking Intramuros and then brought him to Mapua about 45 minutes before his scheduled exam. Jay and I used the downtime to tour the University of Sto. Tomas (UST) and then picked up Miguel. Exam results also came out in early September. (See Mapua college entrance exam results).
Ateneo. Learning from our UP experience we just took out food for Miguel at McDo Libis and brought him to Ateneo an hour before his scheduled exam. It was a breeze. Picking him up was an entirely different matter and we saw kids running down the bridge towards Ateneo. So mommies if your son/daughter is taking the Ateneo exam have them take it in the morning. Exam results aren't out yet.
De La Salle University. I submitted Miguel's application form at DLSU the same day I submitted the one for Mapua and since it was still early in July I did not even have to line up! We got scared though because there was a marathon on the same day of his exam so we were at DLSU even before McDonald's opened. Jay and I were so bored we ended up going to Divisoria! Haha. (See La Salle college entrance exam results).
It's been a great experience and Miguel has so far gotten results for Mapua, La Salle and UP and he passed all three! =)

I started writing when I was 8. My mom got me a journal where I could rant (prob so I won't be an annoying brat). I stopped writing for 8 years until the pen and then later on the keyboard called on me again. I blog because I like writing and that's just about it. Hope you get inspired though... Bite the apple!