
Monday, June 17, 2024

Preparing for a Party

The last two weeks have been nerve wracking. I had agreed to host a reunion of friends who I haven't seen since before the pandemic. We only finished the renovations in early June, so we were hard pressed for time to organize our home for a party. I realized I also didn't have enough plates and utensils and other essentials to properly host a party. It's also been years since I did any hosting. 

When I hosted parties before I used to do it in my childhood home since we had the space for it. My Mom, of course, took care of preparing everything. She's a pro at hosting parties. All I needed to do was invite and show up (and order food when needed). My experience at hosting in our own home is incomparable to my Mom's abilities. 

A week before our first housewarming/reunion event, I made a list of what was needed. Good thing it was a potluck party so I just ordered spaghetti and lumpia. I also had my friends list down what they would bring. I told them I didn't want us to end up having just dessert, haha. Of course, when hosting a party you also need a lot of other things. I thought I'd detail here what I listed for future reference:

  • tables and chairs (we had to buy monobloc chairs since we don't have enough chairs at home)
  • dining table needs: placemats, plates, utensils, drinking glasses, table napkin, toothpick, potholders
  • food counter needs: serving dishes, serving utensils
  • food and drinks: make sure to check for food restrictions
  • decor
  • Sharon needs: containers for takeaway
  • an accessible toilet area
  • directions and parking

Our home isn't in its best state yet. It's still pretty bare and we still have a lot of stuff that needs to be organized. We don't have decorations, so we've left our walls bare. I don't think it will be perfect, so we just bit the bullet and hosted a party for a small group of friends. It's been on my bucket list to invite friends over and I thought it's the best time to do it while I have some immunity for now. I can't possibly do it often, but I hope I'd get to see most of my loved ones before the year ends. 

#BeKind #StaySafe

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