
Friday, February 19, 2021

The Value of Being Sick

Is there any value to being sick? The first thought that comes to mind is a resounding no. Getting sick takes a toll on your body, your finances, your relationships, everything. I was confident I'd be okay by now. I thought I'd be back to work early this month. I've been on medical leave since mid-December and save for the PE that was diagnosed my doctors can't really explain why I'm still sick. 

The medication that was given to me yesterday are pretty potent. I was asleep most of the day today and I'm still sleepy. In between sleeping and eating I chanced upon this homily* by Archbishop Soc Villegas. He spoke about the value of being sick. He said it is when you are forgotten, ignored, and unimportant when you will learn a lot.   Yup, I'm certainly down in the pits right now. 

I think the biggest mistake I've done in my life is I thrived too much on feeling important. I was always needed. My services were always in demand. I just kept going on and on and on and forgot about myself. I was really happy because I made others happy. What I forgot was to take care of myself and most especially take care of my spiritual life. I would pray, but I was just going through the motions. I lost the connection. 

I was going through some of my things and found a postcard prayer. It was a prayer for healing I think my Mom gave me the last time I saw her. It is a powerful prayer that has resonated a lot on my soul. When I found it I remembered the last time my Kuya sat down with me to help free me from past trauma. I think I probably tried too hard to be strong I never really resolved all the issues I've been through. And that's probably why all my attempts at healing have been failing. 

"Timing is everything!" according to Bo Sanchez on his video today. He said that you should respect that time that you are in. I haven't really respected this time that I'm supposed to be sick and healing. I have been pressuring myself to get well and here I am still sick. 

So for now I'm just going to leave it up to the Lord. I will take care of myself, follow doctors orders, pray and let's see how things go. I hope learn what God is telling me to learn. 

CB///316 #StuckAtHomeDay/346 #StayHome #BeKind 

*The title of the video I think is incorrect.